Impact Insights
Anna’s blog on all things global social impact
Why Investing in the Care Economy is key to Gender Equity and Economic Growth
Some of the most exciting new social impact enterprises are addressing the undervalued care economy through innovations in technology, organizing and care supply models.
Too Risky Not to Invest: Why Funding Latin America’s Healthcare Sector Should Be a Key Impact Investing Priority
We see many opportunities worthy of more impact investment in Latin America’s healthcare sector – particularly as it relates to women’s health. But for these investments to happen, investors will need to embrace a more a flexible approach to funding, delivering the kind of support required by different health models at various stages of growth, and approaching these investments with realistic expectations around risk and returns. They’ll also need to recognize the fact that remaining on the sidelines represents another kind of risk: the risk of missing out on a sector full of profitable, impactful opportunities – including the opportunity to improve the overall investment climate in the region.