Care is the work that makes all other work possible.
Why should we care about improving care?
Our care economy is in crisis. Caregivers - paid and unpaid - are burned out, low in supply, and undervalued. Everyone will either provide care or be cared for, usually both, at some point in their lives. Yet we do not provide enough support to caregivers in our communities and workplaces, and many people cannot afford the care that they need.
Demographic trends show that not only will more and more people be sandwich caregivers in the coming years, but that the care crisis is also driving trends in reduced fertility rates because people can no longer bear the cost of care.
Join me to work toward a supported and humane system for all of us to better and comfortably care for each other in times of need.
I’m available to speak about why the care economy is a critical part of our social infrastructure, how we can better support caregivers, and my experience as a caregiver to children, elders and disabled adults.
I can advise your company on how to better support your workers who are also caregivers - in turn improving their satisfaction and your productivity. I also advise individuals who are navigating the complicated processes of eldercare, childcare, disability care - or all the above!
I conduct research and create written content on the care economy, caregiving experiences, and related policy and advocacy. You can susbscribe to my care newsletter Gen Xandwich, or reach out to discuss commissioned pieces.